Monday, October 12, 2009

Curt having fun at the football game
Amazing fish, Curt.
Having a great time in Logan with Jacque and Curt!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I can't believe summer break is near over. School begins next Wednesday. YIKES!
Our summer started out with us painting the inside of our home. Our realestate agent said it would sell much faster if we lightened the walls. I really didn't think they were that dark, but, oh well. Anyway, two months later, we still aren't done painting (2 rooms to go). The house probably would have sold just as fast if we left it alone. Its still not on the market. I'm tired of this project and we will probably have this same project once we find a home in Yuma.
We ended our summer vacation by attending the Naegle Reunion at the Naegle Ranch (my mom's side of the family) up near Vernon, AZ. It was sooo muuuch fun! It started out with Rob coming up from Yuma Wednesday evening with a brand new HHR (I think its a small SUV, I don't know how to describe it). This is a huge advancement for the Dana Clan, for you see, we have never, ever bought a brand new vehicle. We took advantage of the 'trade in your clunker' to get a more fuel efficient vehicle. Rob will use it to drive back and forth from Yuma. We broke it in real good, especially on the dusty, dirty mountain rode. We left Thursday morning for Vernon, which is between ShowLow and Springerville. We stopped and visited with my mom and dad before we headed on up to the pines. There were only a few families on the ranch today. The rest will come up tomorrow. We had the tents set up in no time at all and we kicked back for the rest of the evening. The stars were beautiful - zillions of them. Friday we woke up to the bugling of elk down in the meadow. Jacob lost count but estimated that there were about 75 head of elk. This was the only morning we saw them. One of the activities for Friday was to go to the Snowflake Temple. The youth would do baptisms while their parents did a session. As we were pulling away from our campsite, we saw a bear. The bear was pawing at an old stump looking for bugs and whatever for its breakfast. It was a cute thing, but I'm glad we were in the car. It soon saw us and strolled away - didn't seem to be too scared of us. And of course, my battery was dead on my camera, so no picture. I'm hoping I can charge the battery at the temple. We had quite a few show up for the temple excursion. This was the first year for this activity and we hope to continue it for all upcoming reunions. And I was able to charge my camera battery at the temple. The Snowflake Temple is beautiful. We had lunch in Taylor and then headed back to the ranch for a nap. During down times, Rob and one of the boys would go on a motorcycle ride. That evening we enjoyed a dessert pot luck. YUM! We have good cooks in this family - cobblers, cookies, cakes, oh my! Saturday greeted us with a breakfast prepared by the Guy Nicoll Family. They served us pancakes, scrambled eggs, chorizo, biscuits, gravy, and fruit. What a meal! After dishes were done and the ramada cleaned up we headed to the old homestead to have the family picture taken. A softball game in the afternoon kept the youth busy and the younger ones were occupied with crafts under the ramada. The John Nicoll family brought up a couple of horses from the lower ranch and offered rides to the youngsters. For dinner Johnny Naegle and his family provided a Navajo Taco Dinner. The sopapillas were so good topped with beans, chili, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. And then you could go back and get another one topped with honey or powdered sugar. After dinner we had our traditional raffle. Family members donated crafted items. This is one of the highlights of the reunion. There were lap quilts with the family brands, baby quilts, baby booties, all kinds of good stuff. The money will help our Naegle missionaries. Later that evening we had Family Home Evening by Val Whipple's family and played a game called Ha-Su-Lo. It was crazy. Wendy Terry passed out those glow-in-the-dark bracelets and necklaces and Matt Garner had a frizbee that lit up, so, the teenagers went to an open field and played ultimate frizbee. It was pitch black and all you could see was the frizbee spinning through the air and the necklaces and bracelets seemed to be floating. What a blast. When that was done, Jared, Ammon, and Jake played Uno with their cousins, the Terry's. We had a good nights sleep until about 4:00am when a screech owl decided it was much too quiet in the camp. Or maybe he was looking for breakfast. Watch out Dixie, you might be his dessert. Sunday morning we went to sacrament meeting down in Vernon and then came back up the mountain for our own Sunday school. Family history stories were shared on Charlotte Naegle Jones and Ethel Verena Naegle Nicoll (my grandmother) ending with bearing of testimonies. After lunch, we broke camp and Robert, Jared, and Ammon headed back down to the valley while Jacob and I spent the night with my parents. It was a good visit with my mom and dad. Jake and I arrived back in Mesa about noon on Monday. This turned out to be an exceptionally good reunion. It would have been a great reunion only if we could have had Jacque and Curt join us. We really missed them. Hopefully they can make the next one in two years.
Dog gone it, I still have 2 rooms to paint.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

If any of you think you have the best daughter-in-law in the whole world you are all dead wrong. Jacque is the best daughter anyone could ever be blessed with. And Curt blessed my life by marrying her. She endured her computer-illiterate mother-in-law's inability to post a picture on a blog. I think I understand it. Thanks for being so patient with me, Jacque, you are a sweetheart and I love you dearly.

We had a fun Memorial Day yesterday. The day started out with Jacob and Rob posting flags around our neighborhood. What a grand site to see the American flag flying in so many yards. Ammon went to a Diamondback's game (too bad they lost). Jacob went to Sunsplash, had a ton of fun, and got sunburnt. Rob, Jared and I went to Grandma and Grandpa Dana's for swimming and a cookout. Rob's siblings and their families were there. It was a nice crowd. Grandma furnished the meat and the rest of us filled in with salads and desserts. Rob became the official griller.

As soon as we got home, Rob began packing for his week stay in Yuma. He finally got out the door at about 6:00pm. He hates to leave.

Hope all of you had a great 3 day weekend in remembrance of those who died for our country and our freedom.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Boy, has it been a long time or what! Well, maybe somebody will decide to check in on the Dana's. I'll try my best to fill you in. I think the easiest way to do this is to write highlights on each member of the family, so here goes.

Robert has started working in Yuma, AZ. His first day to report to work was May 4th. At this time he is commuting, working all week and coming home for the weekends. He rents a room from a guy he works with. During the evenings, Rob is looking for a home for us to move in to. He's narrowed it down to about 5 houses for me to look over. We'd like to be on the outskirts of town, hoping the temperature would be cooler if we lived near the citrus groves and farm lands.
Rob's very busy at work unpacking and setting up the new GM Proving Ground facility. He's been the main forklift operator. GM got rid of alot of extra overhead before they left Mesa, but, it wasn't enough. Rob says they're running out of room fast. Yuma's chamber of commerce is taking great care in trying to make the employees feel apart of the community. They put on a Cinco de Mayo dinner for them and introduced them to business leaders and town officials. Rob took this past week off from work to be home for graduation and to take the boys to the lake. He also caught up on vehicle and home maintenance.

Curtis and Jacque are loving married life in Logan, UT. Jacque finished another semester at the USU. Both of them are working for the university; Curt in the maintenance division and Jacque in landscaping. Jacque has been called as the Primary President of her ward. Her biggest challenge: too few children, maybe 5 at the most. Curt is a counselor in the Elder's Quorum and he is still serving as the Sunday School President. To catch up on more of their activities, check out their blog.

Jared graduated!!!! Hip-Hip-Hooray! Oh, how we thought this day would never come. It was an unforgetable graduation experience. Rain falling throughout the ceremony. This was kind of a good thing. Long winded speakers kept it very short. The band canceled their performance. The graduates were honored and recognized, which is the sole purpose of the ceremony. Jared was honored as the 4th generation to graduate from Mesa High. Last Sunday, Jared spoke in Sacrament Meeting on the topic of priesthood. He did very well. He also performed in the ordinance of blessing the sacrament in which he also did very well. That evening was Seminary Graduation and he received his 4 year recognition and diploma. Our bishop believes Jared has nearly completed all he needs to get his Duty to God award. He will finish that up soon and then he will start preparing his papers for a mission. His braces come off in July and he turns 19 in August. He will be living with us in Yuma until he leaves on his mission. Jared also attended Prom a couple of weeks ago. He and his date were a striking couple, dressed in yellow and black. Rob let Jared pick his date up in the '36. That was a great treat for Jared. They met at another friends house and then limoed over to the dance. It has been fun living with Jared these past few months.

Ammon is quite the social guru. Every night is spent hanging out with friends. How grateful we are that he has good friends. He wants to make the varsity football team for Red Mountain High School in the fall so he's been working out and training with the team. His summer calendar is filled in with practices and football camp. He will be staying in Mesa and living with his Aunt Marla or another host family. He has put up quite a fight about moving down to Yuma. We are going to see if he can prove himself to stay in Mesa. He has inherited Rob's red pickup (or so he thinks) and he keeps it imaculate. Often times, after school, he'll be out in the driveway buffing it out to a fine shine. He gets upset if Rob or I need to use it - afraid we'll get it dirty.

Jacob has become our outdoorsman. Any chance he can get, he goes fishing. He'll fish in lakes, man made ponds, and canals. He played LaCrosse this past winter and did well for his first year. Today Rob took Jacob and a friend to Saguaro Lake to wake board. Jake rode up and down the lake behind the boat jumping the wake and 'catching air'. His older brothers better watch out; he's going to give them a run for their money. Jacob has mixed feelings about moving. He's made many good friends here and hates to leave them, but, he is looking forward to the new experience Yuma has to offer. There are places to fish and wakeboard along with other activities Jacob can get involved in. He does very well in school and makes friends very easily, so we think he'll do just fine. He will be going to Camp Geronimo with his scout troop here in Mesa this summer. Jacob will be busy.

As for me, school is over and along with that another season of bus driving. I will be doing some mountain training (bus driving) at the end of this month. I have been hired by Yuma transportation to drive for their schools starting in the fall. There will be some training to do with them. Moving to Yuma is such a bittersweet experience. The whole thing is quite an adventure, but there is so much to do here at home. Deciding what to take and what to donate or throw out (because the movers will pack everything I'm told - even the candy wrapper left on the floor). We will most likely rent our home here in Mesa. Robert has a renter already lined up. The boys and I will be going down next weekend to be with Rob and to get ourselves more acquainted with the community. We'll check out some homes and play.

Now that you are caught up with the Dana Clan, our family hopes that you are well and doing fine. May God bless you in all that you do for good. Peace be with you. Love always, Jacque.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Check this out! The Dana's have their own blog. I'm not up to facebook yet - I can't even keep up with my e-mails. I'm hoping this will keep everyone up to date on what our family is up to. Jacque is so good about helping me be blog literate. I've yet to find pictures to post - that will be in the next blog lesson.

Spring Break is here!!! We enjoyed Curt and Jacque this week. They gave us a surprise visit. Yippee! Jacque's spring break was a week before ours. They spent 2 days up in Yellowstone and felt they needed to come to Mesa to thaw out.

We are planning to go to Yuma during our spring break to look for a home. That's right - our move to Yuma is right around the corner. Robert has to report there on May 1st and we will follow as soon as school is over.

Curt and Jacque are doing great as poor students at USU in Logan, UT. While Jacque is hitting the books and studying hard, Curt is pounding the pavement looking for a job. He does find time to go to the river and do some fly fishing, though. Curt has been accepted at USU and will start the fall semester.

Jared is a senior at Mesa High. We are all crossing our fingers he graduates. He really is doing great and enjoys his art class. He has some awesome sketches.

Ammon is a sophomore at Red Mountain High. He's working hard with the football team. We are trying to convince him that the move to Yuma will be good, but he is fighting us tooth and nail.

Jacob is a 7th grader at Shepherd Jr. High. He played LaCrosse for the first time and had a great season. He is now wrestling and enjoying this new sport.

I am enjoying my life as wife, mom, and bus driver. While we are in Yuma, I will have an interview with Yuma's school district for a bus driving position.

Our family is busy trying to get our home in order to sell. We're dragging our feet - we have so much stuff/junk. 23 years in one house allowed us to collect alot of things. Hope you're all doing fine. Love you all!


About Me

My most favorite place to be is in the pines with my family. My second is Nauvoo, IL